Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Devil Incarnate Chapter Five

Edward didn't think he’d ever grow accustomed to the view from the plane as they flew over Ireland. Not for the first time, he wished he’d spent more time there after his grandfather passed away. It seemed as though his parents had specifically tried to prevent him from knowing his father’s extended family. Then again, considering how deranged his parents turned out to be, maybe the Irish Cullens had been the ones to cut ties.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Devil Incarnate Chapter Four

In perfect clarity, the monitor showed Garrett walking up to the derelict phone booth perched haphazardly on a downtown street. He wasn't in a friendly part of town; mostly, those present appeared to be surviving on the last dregs of their humanity. A man slouched on a front stoop wearing a coat several sizes too big and showcasing multiple holes. Another rail-thin man leaned against the side of a building, lost in the shadows looming from the overhanging roofline. Neither looked as though they’d remember their last hot meal if asked, and neither looked as though they would survive the year.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Devil Incarnate Chapter Three

After a thorough search of the grounds, Edward called an all-clear. There definitely had been activity outside the wall, and someone had managed to breach the gate. Nobody at the house was harmed, and there was no sign of anyone hanging around. As Bella had guessed, it was a scare tactic. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Devil Incarnate Chapter Two

In the end, Quinn accompanied his parents to Forks while Renee and Afton stayed with the girls and Afton’s guards. There hadn't been any threats in over a decade, but they could never be too careful. Garrett, Phil, and five other guards had spent their years split between the house and the kids’ schools. Bella and Edward had worked together to operate a strictly legal business, opening the bookstore she'd always dreamed about. The concept of Bella’s Books became The Literary Bean when Edward decided the only way Bella could serve coffee was if he had a direct hand in producing it. They spent time in South America studying the best practices for growing and exporting coffee beans, then set about learning the most sophisticated technology for turning their crops into high-quality coffee.