Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Ember Sword Chapter Seven

The feel of Edward’s warm skin on her palm sent a thrill down her spine. Isabella looked into his eyes, finding deep emotions reflected back at her. She drew a deep breath and turned her attention to the priest. His words were ancient, the meaning everlasting. They would bind themselves to one another for all time, followed by the anointing from The Purifier. Rosalie stood in front of the table the golden sword was set upon, ready to perform her part of the ceremony. 

Chapter Seven Pictures


Thursday, December 19, 2019

Chapter Six Pictures

Winter Forest

The Ember Sword Chapter Six

“It was incredibly odd,” Esme said to those at the table. “We had little trouble traversing the Winter Forest as I expected we would, but there was no one waiting for us on the other side.”

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Chapter Five Pictures


The Ember Sword Chapter Five

Edward found Garrett standing inside the attendants’ entrance. “Where have you been?”

“Outside,” he offered as he continued walking.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Ember Sword Chapter Four

Isabella hurried to open the door, her entire body flushed with desire over what she’d just done. She’d known Edward was coming; she’d seen him in the hall heading toward her rooms. She knew better than to change her clothing while expecting him, but it was more than that. She’d told him to enter when he knocked. She’d done it on purpose. But had it been worth it?

Chapter Four Pictures


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Chapter Three Pictures


The Ember Sword Chapter Three

Training continued up until the day they planned to leave. Isabella and her sisters would head up the army behind their mother, who always led them into battle. The four women were discussing battle formations over the midday meal and trying to calm the anticipation that stole over them before a major conflict. Rosalie had found an incantation to try when they reached the edge of the forest which separated their lands from those of The Forsaken. Even so, none of them were eager to run afoul of the Wandering Nightmares which guarded the Winter Forest. They were smoke-like entities which could steal a person’s senses until they stumbled around completely blind and deaf.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Chapter Two Pictures

War Room

The Ember Sword Chapter Two

The royal family met in the war room after the evening meal. They’d received word from a trusted scout that The Forsaken were going to make a move on the Ember Sword. They had to cut them off before they made it to the citadel, or it would be harder to protect the townspeople.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Chapter One Pictures

Isabella (Widow-Maker)  

The Ember Sword Chapter One

The Prophecy of The First Blood declares the Ember Sword shall be in the care of The True-Sworn for eternity—which is how long the clan will live if they can keep the enchanted sword out of the hands of The Forsaken. With the enemy bearing down on them, the chieftess and her daughters must prepare for the coming battle.