Sunday, April 2, 2017

Perdition, Teaser Chapter 8

“Isabella,” Charlie inclines his head as he acknowledges my presence. How fortunate I am to have such a loving, demonstrative father.

Jacob is not so subtle, pushing his way by me as I stand frozen in shock. “I was so disappointed in you when I heard you hadn't contacted your father since returning to Forks.” He runs his fingers along my belongings, and a feeling of revulsion washes over me. His very presence makes me nauseated.

“I've been busy,” I force out around my fear.

Charlie accompanies Jacob into my home, circling around and looking at everything. “Why didn't you simply come back to the house? There was no reason to pay for a place.”

“Are- are you serious? After all the things you've done, you think I'd move back in with you?” I spit out. 


  1. Oh, my. A father daughter face off. Probably going to be ugly.
    Jake's really trying to be Bella's moral compass. What a hypocrite!

    Monday, Monday, so good to me

    Only the first two lines of the Mamas and Papas tune applies.
    You will see the second one tomorrow.

  2. Isn't the next line, all I wanted it to be? I sure hope so! Thank you for commenting on the blog!
