Thursday, July 13, 2017

Seismic Shift Chapter 4

                              You know how the moon
                               Only glows because it's
                             Reflecting off of the sun?
                               Well, that's me with her.
                                     She's my sun,
                             And I only shine because
                                     She's there.

                                    ~ Anonymous

I knew I'd be called into another council meeting, now that I'd been caught with the stench of vampire on my clothes. It was strictly forbidden for any of us to go near them, heavily frowned upon to cross the boundary lines alone. I’d blatantly disregarded everything they'd taught me.

But, oh God, was it worth it. I had Edward Cullen’s phone number saved in my phone under just his initials. I made several attempts to call him, but my nerves were getting the best of me and I couldn't push the send button. I almost texted him, then erased it all and started over. In the end, I simply asked him to meet me at midnight in our meadow, and almost instantly received a reply that he would be there. It made me giddy to see his reply, just before I deleted our conversation.

I was so keyed up, I was only able to sleep for a few scant, dream-filled hours. I paced my bedroom, knowing that what I was doing would be labeled as wrong, but it wasn't. I had an indelible connection with Edward, and I couldn't deny it. I wouldn't.

I didn't have a choice, I was bound to him already.

I slipped out my window and ran with the wind at my back, as it urged me to go faster toward my secret tryst. I was weightless when I ran, and it wasn't long before I was there, my breathing almost as even as when I started running. I stood dead center again, circling as I looked into the darkness for him. I saw sturdy tree trunks covered with moss, nocturnal creatures looking for food in the depths of the ferns, light and shadows with my keen eyes, but I didn't see my vampire.

I felt an enormous sense of disappointment wash through my entire being. I dropped my head back and stared at the crescent moon high in the sky, taunting me with her melancholy song. It would be as easy as breathing to let the electrostatic discharge course over my skin, my spirit animal calling down the lightning to harness its power. I could run as far as the land spread, only stopping when it ran into the ocean, and never even break a sweat.

I felt a prickling, an awareness, and dropped my head to stare into golden eyes. I longed to wrap myself up in him, around him, and never let go. I didn't want to concern myself with any vampire versus werewolf treaty line bullshit.

“You came,” I said, ridiculously relieved. Already, I felt whole around him and empty when we were apart.

Edward inclined his head in acknowledgement. “I gave you my word.”

“Why did you apologize in your note?” I toyed with the idea of throwing caution to the wind and simply kissing him the way I desperately wanted to.

“I left you.” He frowned. “I did not wish to do so, but my family was looking for me.”

“How did you know that?” I wondered.

“I can hear their thoughts,” he replied simply, smiling gently as though it were obvious.

“Oh my God! Why didn't you ever tell me to shut up with my obnoxious inner voice?” I yelled into the still of the night. I heard a bird take flight from a branch in the distant forest, its wings fluttering nervously at my outburst.

Edward chuckled at me, a sinfully erotic sound. “Only you can block my ability. Do not worry, your secrets are safe.”

“I can? You can't hear me?” I verified. It would be embarrassing if he could hear how much I wanted him.

Edward shook his head, reaching out to touch my temple delicately. “You are an enigma, my Bella.”

I sighed, though not in irritation. “I've heard that since my fifteenth year,” I lamented. “It's the first time I've been happy to hear it,” I added.

“You can tell me about that sometime,” he offered. “First, though, why did you want to meet in the middle of the night?”

I fidgeted with my hands, only then noticing his unnatural stillness. “Because of the way we left things earlier. Because I've never had to tamp down so hard on the urge to change into a massive wolf, and I didn't know I'd be left physically and mentally exhausted. I have never felt…” I trailed off, unsure of the words to explain how I felt. How this man made of death could bring me to life with one touch, one phrase. How that simple touch could alter the course of the galaxies, rendering a blackout in the night sky.

“I have never felt a connection with another being the way I feel for you,” Edward said as he ran his fingertips down my face. A shiver skittered across my skull as he cupped my throat gently with his long fingers. “I thought the affection I hold for my family was the most I would ever be fortunate enough to experience. I have wandered, alone and lost in this world, never expecting to know the passion of the mating love they have, each for the other.”

I searched his ocher eyes, finding the truth reflected in their depths. I cherished him, and he returned the sentiment. It hadn't built over time, a slow simmering that grows to consume all within its reach, it was more an explosion without warning. “What do we do now?” I asked him. I understood better than he, how dangerous it was for the both of us.

“May I kiss you, sweet Bella?” His breath puffed out over my face, his fingers still caressing my pulse as it beat solely for him. Rendered unable to speak, I nodded, and his mouth was on mine instantly. It was unbelievable how his lips seared my own, molding themselves to mine the way the ocean kisses the shore, constantly caressing the sand before receding, only to come back for more. Tentative and light became bold with a desperate tinge. I felt the liquid heat in my bones, struggled with repressing the need to shift. The effort it required eased gradually, until all I could think of was him; Edward surrounded my senses until there was nothing left but the two of us becoming one. My heart pounded in my ears, and I could only imagine how loud it was for him.

My soft curves fit with his hard planes in a manner I never expected. Edward held me closely, pressing body to body, and without thought my tongue darted out to taste. I moaned as my tongue exploded with his sweet flavor, and Edward's mouth parted to allow entry. Someone growled, and I honestly couldn't say if it came from him, or the animal within myself. Everything felt urgent, from the awkward way our hands gripped each other's arms, to the movement of our lips.

When I finally had no choice but to breathe, I gasped in repeated breaths as I broke from him. Standing in our meadow in the middle of the night, crickets chirping and wind singing, I touched my wet lips with trembling fingertips. Edward's eyes glowed warm honey, a smile curving one side of his mouth, a crooked acknowledgment of his joy.

“I find myself enamored, Bella. I will never be the same again.” He leaned in, touching a brief kiss to my swollen mouth before resting his forehead to my own. “When we separate, a piece of myself goes with you wherever you go.”

“My soul is irrevocably altered, Edward.” I breathed in his intoxicating scent. “I feel your absence, and we haven't parted ways yet.”

“I will come to this spot daily, if you will but give me a time you will come as well,” Edward declared, peppering my heated skin with his soft lips. I couldn't even think.

“Of course. Um, after school. Crap, the weekends. Well, they normally leave me alone on the weekends, so I'll come all day if I can.”

“Anything to see you,” he agreed vehemently.


“Tomorrow is suddenly an eternity,” he bemoaned.

With one last chaste kiss, I backed away from newfound love. 

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