Thursday, June 8, 2017

Perdition, Teaser Chapter 10

“Who is that boy over there playing with Benny?” I asked my best friend Angela. 

“That's Edward Cullen. You know his sister Alice, don't you?”

I nodded, still watching him and Benny as they raced each other across the monkey bars. “She's younger than us, so I only see her at the playground or sometimes at lunch.”

Angela looked at me more carefully and giggled. “Bella, he's in 8th grade. Stop staring.”

My eyes widened on hers as I finally tore my gaze from him. “So? That's only a year older. He's so tall already, Ange,” I murmured. 

“More like gangly. He won't sprout up until high school, you know. Besides, I think Benjamin is so much cuter.”

I swung back and forth gently a few times. “So have you asked Benny out yet?”

Angela laughed, a nasal giggling sound. “No. I'm waiting for him to notice me.”

It was said so wistfully, and I realized something then and there. “Well, I'm not waiting for some boy to notice me.”

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